Aborted clients | 00 | The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly. |
Aborted connects | 1 1 | The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server. |
Access denied errors | 00 | |
Acl column grants | 00 | |
Acl database grants | 4 4 | |
Acl function grants | 00 | |
Acl procedure grants | 00 | |
Acl proxy users | 1 1 | |
Acl role grants | 00 | |
Acl roles | 00 | |
Acl table grants | 00 | |
Acl users | 9 9 | |
Aria pagecache blocks not flushed | 00 | |
Aria pagecache blocks unused | 15.7 k15706 | |
Aria pagecache blocks used | 680 680 | |
Aria pagecache read requests | 1.1 M1114154 | |
Aria pagecache reads | 25.5 k25512 | |
Aria pagecache write requests | 62.3 k62334 | |
Aria pagecache writes | 00 | |
Aria transaction log syncs | 00 | |
Binlog commits | 00 | |
Binlog group commits | 00 | |
Binlog group commit trigger count | 00 | |
Binlog group commit trigger lock wait | 00 | |
Binlog group commit trigger timeout | 00 | |
Binlog snapshot file | | |
Binlog snapshot position | 00 | |
Binlog bytes written | 00 | |
Binlog cache disk use | 00 | The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache but that exceeded the value of binlog_cache_size and used a temporary file to store statements from the transaction. |
Binlog cache use | 00 | The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache. |
Binlog stmt cache disk use | 00 | |
Binlog stmt cache use | 00 | |
Busy time | 00.000000 | |
Bytes received | 245.4 M245422218 | |
Bytes sent | 847.2 M847235294 | |
Com admin commands | 00 | |
Com alter db | 00 | |
Com alter db upgrade | 00 | |
Com alter event | 00 | |
Com alter function | 00 | |
Com alter procedure | 00 | |
Com alter server | 00 | |
Com alter table | 00 | |
Com alter tablespace | 00 | |
Com analyze | 00 | |
Com assign to keycache | 00 | |
Com begin | 00 | |
Com binlog | 00 | |
Com call procedure | 00 | |
Com change db | 14.1 k14089 | |
Com change master | 00 | |
Com check | 00 | |
Com checksum | 00 | |
Com commit | 00 | |
Com compound sql | 00 | |
Com create db | 00 | |
Com create event | 00 | |
Com create function | 00 | |
Com create index | 00 | |
Com create procedure | 00 | |
Com create role | 00 | |
Com create server | 00 | |
Com create table | 00 | |
Com create temporary table | 00 | |
Com create trigger | 00 | |
Com create udf | 00 | |
Com create user | 00 | |
Com create view | 00 | |
Com delete | 7.7 k7656 | |
Com delete multi | 00 | |
Com do | 00 | |
Com drop db | 00 | |
Com drop event | 00 | |
Com drop function | 00 | |
Com drop index | 00 | |
Com drop procedure | 00 | |
Com drop role | 00 | |
Com drop server | 00 | |
Com drop table | 00 | |
Com drop temporary table | 00 | |
Com drop trigger | 00 | |
Com drop user | 00 | |
Com drop view | 00 | |
Com empty query | 00 | |
Com flush | 5.3 k5275 | |
Com get diagnostics | 00 | |
Com grant | 00 | |
Com grant role | 00 | |
Com ha close | 00 | |
Com ha open | 00 | |
Com ha read | 00 | |
Com help | 00 | |
Com insert | 7.7 k7656 | |
Com insert select | 00 | |
Com install plugin | 00 | |
Com kill | 00 | |
Com load | 00 | |
Com lock tables | 00 | |
Com optimize | 00 | |
Com preload keys | 00 | |
Com purge | 00 | |
Com purge before date | 00 | |
Com release savepoint | 00 | |
Com rename table | 00 | |
Com rename user | 00 | |
Com repair | 00 | |
Com replace | 2.2 k2177 | |
Com replace select | 00 | |
Com reset | 00 | |
Com resignal | 00 | |
Com revoke | 00 | |
Com revoke all | 00 | |
Com revoke role | 00 | |
Com rollback | 00 | |
Com rollback to savepoint | 00 | |
Com savepoint | 00 | |
Com select | 599.1 k599082 | |
Com set option | 10.6 k10550 | |
Com show authors | 00 | |
Com show binlog events | 00 | |
Com show binlogs | 340 340 | |
Com show charsets | 00 | |
Com show collations | 00 | |
Com show contributors | 00 | |
Com show create db | 00 | |
Com show create event | 00 | |
Com show create func | 00 | |
Com show create proc | 24 24 | |
Com show create table | 7.1 k7131 | |
Com show create trigger | 00 | |
Com show databases | 00 | |
Com show engine logs | 00 | |
Com show engine mutex | 00 | |
Com show engine status | 00 | |
Com show errors | 00 | |
Com show events | 00 | |
Com show explain | 00 | |
Com show fields | 22.9 k22897 | |
Com show function status | 00 | |
Com show generic | 00 | |
Com show grants | 1.9 k1914 | |
Com show keys | 19.5 k19509 | |
Com show master status | 1.3 k1294 | |
Com show open tables | 00 | |
Com show plugins | 375 375 | |
Com show privileges | 00 | |
Com show procedure status | 00 | |
Com show processlist | 00 | |
Com show profile | 00 | |
Com show profiles | 00 | |
Com show relaylog events | 00 | |
Com show slave hosts | 00 | |
Com show slave status | 1.3 k1302 | |
Com show status | 25 25 | |
Com show storage engines | 97 97 | |
Com show table status | 672 672 | |
Com show tables | 11.7 k11717 | |
Com show triggers | 00 | |
Com show variables | 2.5 k2483 | |
Com show warnings | 00 | |
Com shutdown | 00 | |
Com signal | 00 | |
Com start all slaves | 00 | |
Com start slave | 00 | |
Com stmt close | 00 | |
Com stmt execute | 00 | |
Com stmt fetch | 00 | |
Com stmt prepare | 00 | |
Com stmt reprepare | 00 | |
Com stmt reset | 00 | |
Com stmt send long data | 00 | |
Com stop all slaves | 00 | |
Com stop slave | 00 | |
Com truncate | 00 | |
Com uninstall plugin | 00 | |
Com unlock tables | 00 | |
Com update | 95 95 | |
Com update multi | 00 | |
Com xa commit | 00 | |
Com xa end | 00 | |
Com xa prepare | 00 | |
Com xa recover | 00 | |
Com xa rollback | 00 | |
Com xa start | 00 | |
Compression | OFFOFF | |
Connection errors accept | 00 | |
Connection errors internal | 00 | |
Connection errors max connections | 00 | |
Connection errors peer address | 00 | |
Connection errors select | 00 | |
Connection errors tcpwrap | 00 | |
Connections | 10.6 k10553 | The number of connection attempts (successful or not) to the MySQL server. |
Cpu time | 00.000000 | |
Created tmp disk tables | 31 k30988 | The number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statements. If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want to increase the tmp_table_size value to cause temporary tables to be memory-based instead of disk-based. |
Created tmp files | 5 5 | How many temporary files mysqld has created. |
Created tmp tables | 334.7 k334692 | The number of in-memory temporary tables created automatically by the server while executing statements. |
Delayed errors | 00 | The number of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurred (probably duplicate key). |
Delayed insert threads | 00 | The number of INSERT DELAYED handler threads in use. Every different table on which one uses INSERT DELAYED gets its own thread. |
Delayed writes | 00 | The number of INSERT DELAYED rows written. |
Delete scan | 00 | |
Empty queries | 178.8 k178848 | |
Executed events | 00 | |
Executed triggers | 00 | |
Feature delay key write | 00 | |
Feature dynamic columns | 00 | |
Feature fulltext | 00 | |
Feature gis | 00 | |
Feature locale | 00 | |
Feature subquery | 11.2 k11199 | |
Feature timezone | 00 | |
Feature trigger | 672 672 | |
Feature xml | 00 | |
Flush commands | 1 1 | The number of executed FLUSH statements. |
Handler commit | 394.8 k394805 | The number of internal COMMIT statements. |
Handler delete | 00 | The number of times a row was deleted from a table. |
Handler discover | 14.7 k14659 | The MySQL server can ask the NDB Cluster storage engine if it knows about a table with a given name. This is called discovery. Handler_discover indicates the number of time tables have been discovered. |
Handler external lock | 00 | |
Handler icp attempts | 00 | |
Handler icp match | 00 | |
Handler mrr init | 00 | |
Handler mrr key refills | 00 | |
Handler mrr rowid refills | 00 | |
Handler prepare | 00 | |
Handler read first | 99.7 k99706 | The number of times the first entry was read from an index. If this is high, it suggests that the server is doing a lot of full index scans; for example, SELECT col1 FROM foo, assuming that col1 is indexed. |
Handler read key | 308.5 k308547 | The number of requests to read a row based on a key. If this is high, it is a good indication that your queries and tables are properly indexed. |
Handler read last | 00 | |
Handler read next | 502.5 M502459595 | The number of requests to read the next row in key order. This is incremented if you are querying an index column with a range constraint or if you are doing an index scan. |
Handler read prev | 00 | The number of requests to read the previous row in key order. This read method is mainly used to optimize ORDER BY … DESC. |
Handler read retry | 00 | |
Handler read rnd | 569.4 k569425 | The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position. This is high if you are doing a lot of queries that require sorting of the result. You probably have a lot of queries that require MySQL to scan whole tables or you have joins that don't use keys properly. |
Handler read rnd deleted | 5.4 k5363 | |
Handler read rnd next | 7.9 M7883036 | The number of requests to read the next row in the data file. This is high if you are doing a lot of table scans. Generally this suggests that your tables are not properly indexed or that your queries are not written to take advantage of the indexes you have. |
Handler rollback | 00 | The number of internal ROLLBACK statements. |
Handler savepoint | 00 | |
Handler savepoint rollback | 00 | |
Handler tmp update | 00 | |
Handler tmp write | 7.8 M7788956 | |
Handler update | 2.3 k2272 | The number of requests to update a row in a table. |
Handler write | 9.8 k9833 | The number of requests to insert a row in a table. |
Innodb available undo logs | 128 128 | |
Innodb background log sync | 2.1 k2109 | |
Innodb buffer pool bytes data | 192.2 M192167936 | |
Innodb buffer pool bytes dirty | 4 M3997696 | |
Innodb buffer pool dump status | Dumping buffer pool(s) not yet startedDumping buffer pool(s) not yet started | |
Innodb buffer pool load status | Loading buffer pool(s) not yet startedLoading buffer pool(s) not yet started | |
Innodb buffer pool pages data | 11.7 k11729 | The number of pages containing data (dirty or clean). |
Innodb buffer pool pages dirty | 244 244 | The number of pages currently dirty. |
Innodb buffer pool pages flushed | 849 849 | The number of buffer pool pages that have been requested to be flushed. |
Innodb buffer pool pages free | 21 k21022 | The number of free pages. |
Innodb buffer pool pages lru flushed | 00 | |
Innodb buffer pool pages made not young | 00 | |
Innodb buffer pool pages made young | 00 | |
Innodb buffer pool pages misc | 16 16 | The number of pages busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index. This value can also be calculated as Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data. |
Innodb buffer pool pages old | 4.3 k4316 | |
Innodb buffer pool pages total | 32.8 k32767 | Total size of buffer pool, in pages. |
Innodb buffer pool read ahead | 4.8 k4848 | |
Innodb buffer pool read ahead evicted | 00 | |
Innodb buffer pool read ahead rnd | 00 | The number of "random" read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when a query is to scan a large portion of a table but in random order. |
Innodb buffer pool read requests | 70.2 M70178448 | The number of logical read requests InnoDB has done. |
Innodb buffer pool reads | 6.7 k6727 | The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from buffer pool and had to do a single-page read. |
Innodb buffer pool wait free | 00 | Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. However, if it's necessary to read or create a page and no clean pages are available, it's necessary to wait for pages to be flushed first. This counter counts instances of these waits. If the buffer pool size was set properly, this value should be small. |
Innodb buffer pool write requests | 20.3 k20296 | The number writes done to the InnoDB buffer pool. |
Innodb checkpoint age | 947.5 k947455 | |
Innodb checkpoint max age | 7.8 M7782360 | |
Innodb data fsyncs | 4.2 k4227 | The number of fsync() operations so far. |
Innodb data pending fsyncs | 00 | The current number of pending fsync() operations. |
Innodb data pending reads | 00 | The current number of pending reads. |
Innodb data pending writes | 00 | The current number of pending writes. |
Innodb data read | 215.4 M215421440 | The amount of data read so far, in bytes. |
Innodb data reads | 11 k11009 | The total number of data reads. |
Innodb data writes | 4.4 k4365 | The total number of data writes. |
Innodb data written | 34.3 M34337792 | The amount of data written so far, in bytes. |
Innodb dblwr pages written | 849 849 | The number of pages that have been written for doublewrite operations. |
Innodb dblwr writes | 163 163 | The number of doublewrite operations that have been performed. |
Innodb deadlocks | 00 | |
Innodb have atomic builtins | ONON | |
Innodb history list length | 1.3 k1305 | |
Innodb ibuf discarded delete marks | 00 | |
Innodb ibuf discarded deletes | 00 | |
Innodb ibuf discarded inserts | 00 | |
Innodb ibuf free list | 224 224 | |
Innodb ibuf merged delete marks | 00 | |
Innodb ibuf merged deletes | 00 | |
Innodb ibuf merged inserts | 00 | |
Innodb ibuf merges | 00 | |
Innodb ibuf segment size | 226 226 | |
Innodb ibuf size | 1 1 | |
Innodb log waits | 00 | The number of waits we had because log buffer was too small and we had to wait for it to be flushed before continuing. |
Innodb log write requests | 5.5 k5525 | The number of log write requests. |
Innodb log writes | 3.8 k3833 | The number of physical writes to the log file. |
Innodb lsn current | 24.2 G24151110302 | |
Innodb lsn flushed | 24.2 G24151110302 | |
Innodb lsn last checkpoint | 24.2 G24150162847 | |
Innodb master thread active loops | 2.1 k2109 | |
Innodb master thread idle loops | 00 | |
Innodb max trx id | 3.1 G3132112555 | |
Innodb mem adaptive hash | 9.1 M9117392 | |
Innodb mem dictionary | 11.5 M11518841 | |
Innodb mem total | 563.1 M563085312 | |
Innodb mutex os waits | 28.5 k28548 | |
Innodb mutex spin rounds | 1.1 M1050200 | |
Innodb mutex spin waits | 33.5 k33489 | |
Innodb oldest view low limit trx id | 3.1 G3132112341 | |
Innodb os log fsyncs | 3.9 k3898 | The number of fsync() writes done to the log file. |
Innodb os log pending fsyncs | 00 | The number of pending log file fsyncs. |
Innodb os log pending writes | 00 | Pending log file writes. |
Innodb os log written | 4.4 M4387328 | The number of bytes written to the log file. |
Innodb page size | 16.4 k16384 | The compiled-in InnoDB page size (default 16KB). Many values are counted in pages; the page size allows them to be easily converted to bytes. |
Innodb pages created | 105 105 | The number of pages created. |
Innodb pages read | 11.6 k11624 | The number of pages read. |
Innodb pages0 read | 2.7 k2671 | |
Innodb pages written | 849 849 | The number of pages written. |
Innodb purge trx id | 3.1 G3132112410 | |
Innodb purge undo no | 00 | |
Innodb read views memory | 2.1 k2080 | |
Innodb row lock current waits | 00 | The number of row locks currently being waited for. |
Innodb row lock time | 00 | The total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds. |
Innodb row lock time avg | 00 | The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds. |
Innodb row lock time max | 00 | The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds. |
Innodb row lock waits | 00 | The number of times a row lock had to be waited for. |
Innodb rows deleted | 00 | The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables. |
Innodb rows inserted | 00 | The number of rows inserted in InnoDB tables. |
Innodb rows read | 502.5 M502460170 | The number of rows read from InnoDB tables. |
Innodb rows updated | 2.3 k2272 | The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables. |
Innodb system rows deleted | 00 | |
Innodb system rows inserted | 00 | |
Innodb system rows read | 306 306 | |
Innodb system rows updated | 00 | |
Innodb s lock os waits | 421 421 | |
Innodb s lock spin rounds | 18.6 k18647 | |
Innodb s lock spin waits | 626 626 | |
Innodb truncated status writes | 00 | |
Innodb x lock os waits | 123 123 | |
Innodb x lock spin rounds | 3.9 k3929 | |
Innodb x lock spin waits | 17 17 | |
Innodb page compression saved | 00 | |
Innodb page compression trim sect512 | 00 | |
Innodb page compression trim sect1024 | 00 | |
Innodb page compression trim sect2048 | 00 | |
Innodb page compression trim sect4096 | 00 | |
Innodb page compression trim sect8192 | 00 | |
Innodb page compression trim sect16384 | 00 | |
Innodb page compression trim sect32768 | 00 | |
Innodb num index pages written | 7 7 | |
Innodb num non index pages written | 4.9 k4907 | |
Innodb num pages page compressed | 00 | |
Innodb num page compressed trim op | 00 | |
Innodb num page compressed trim op saved | 00 | |
Innodb num pages page decompressed | 00 | |
Innodb num pages page compression error | 00 | |
Innodb num pages encrypted | 00 | |
Innodb num pages decrypted | 00 | |
Innodb have lz4 | OFFOFF | |
Innodb have lzo | OFFOFF | |
Innodb have lzma | OFFOFF | |
Innodb have bzip2 | ONON | |
Innodb have snappy | OFFOFF | |
Innodb defragment compression failures | 00 | |
Innodb defragment failures | 00 | |
Innodb defragment count | 00 | |
Innodb onlineddl rowlog rows | 00 | |
Innodb onlineddl rowlog pct used | 00 | |
Innodb onlineddl pct progress | 00 | |
Innodb secondary index triggered cluster reads | 00 | |
Innodb secondary index triggered cluster reads avoided | 00 | |
Innodb encryption rotation pages read from cache | 00 | |
Innodb encryption rotation pages read from disk | 00 | |
Innodb encryption rotation pages modified | 00 | |
Innodb encryption rotation pages flushed | 00 | |
Innodb encryption rotation estimated iops | 00 | |
Innodb scrub background page reorganizations | 00 | |
Innodb scrub background page splits | 00 | |
Innodb scrub background page split failures underflow | 00 | |
Innodb scrub background page split failures out of filespace | 00 | |
Innodb scrub background page split failures missing index | 00 | |
Innodb scrub background page split failures unknown | 00 | |
Key blocks not flushed | 00 | The number of key blocks in the key cache that have changed but haven't yet been flushed to disk. It used to be known as Not_flushed_key_blocks. |
Key blocks unused | 13.4 k13370 | The number of unused blocks in the key cache. You can use this value to determine how much of the key cache is in use. |
Key blocks used | 21 21 | The number of used blocks in the key cache. This value is a high-water mark that indicates the maximum number of blocks that have ever been in use at one time. |
Key blocks warm | 00 | |
Key read requests | 171.6 k171610 | The number of requests to read a key block from the cache. |
Key reads | 42 k41973 | The number of physical reads of a key block from disk. If Key_reads is big, then your key_buffer_size value is probably too small. The cache miss rate can be calculated as Key_reads/Key_read_requests. |
Key write requests | 00 | The number of requests to write a key block to the cache. |
Key writes | 00 | The number of physical writes of a key block to disk. |
Last query cost | 00.000000 | The total cost of the last compiled query as computed by the query optimizer. Useful for comparing the cost of different query plans for the same query. The default value of 0 means that no query has been compiled yet. |
Master gtid wait count | 00 | |
Master gtid wait time | 00 | |
Master gtid wait timeouts | 00 | |
Max statement time exceeded | 00 | |
Max used connections | 59 59 | The maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server started. |
Memory used | 165.4 M165360944 | |
Not flushed delayed rows | 00 | The number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAYED queues. |
Open files | 33 33 | The number of files that are open. |
Open streams | 00 | The number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging). |
Open table definitions | 400 400 | |
Open tables | 64 64 | The number of tables that are open. |
Opened files | 1.5 M1452124 | |
Opened plugin libraries | 00 | |
Opened table definitions | 952.8 k952830 | |
Opened tables | 1.1 M1103738 | The number of tables that have been opened. If opened tables is big, your table cache value is probably too small. |
Opened views | 1.7 k1673 | |
Performance schema accounts lost | 00 | |
Performance schema cond classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema cond instances lost | 00 | |
Performance schema digest lost | 00 | |
Performance schema file classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema file handles lost | 00 | |
Performance schema file instances lost | 00 | |
Performance schema hosts lost | 00 | |
Performance schema locker lost | 00 | |
Performance schema mutex classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema mutex instances lost | 00 | |
Performance schema rwlock classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema rwlock instances lost | 00 | |
Performance schema session connect attrs lost | 00 | |
Performance schema socket classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema socket instances lost | 00 | |
Performance schema stage classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema statement classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema table handles lost | 00 | |
Performance schema table instances lost | 00 | |
Performance schema thread classes lost | 00 | |
Performance schema thread instances lost | 00 | |
Performance schema users lost | 00 | |
Prepared stmt count | 00 | |
Qcache free blocks | 1 1 | The number of free memory blocks in query cache. High numbers can indicate fragmentation issues, which may be solved by issuing a FLUSH QUERY CACHE statement. |
Qcache free memory | 1 M1031336 | The amount of free memory for query cache. |
Qcache hits | 00 | The number of cache hits. |
Qcache inserts | 00 | The number of queries added to the cache. |
Qcache lowmem prunes | 00 | The number of queries that have been removed from the cache to free up memory for caching new queries. This information can help you tune the query cache size. The query cache uses a least recently used (LRU) strategy to decide which queries to remove from the cache. |
Qcache not cached | 00 | The number of non-cached queries (not cachable, or not cached due to the query_cache_type setting). |
Qcache queries in cache | 00 | The number of queries registered in the cache. |
Qcache total blocks | 1 1 | The total number of blocks in the query cache. |
Queries | 726.9 k726886 | |
Questions | 726.9 k726886 | |
Rows read | 502.1 M502072770 | |
Rows sent | 4.9 M4875596 | |
Rows tmp read | 8 M8028588 | |
Rpl status | AUTH_MASTERAUTH_MASTER | The status of failsafe replication (not yet implemented). |
Select full join | 5.2 k5249 | The number of joins that do not use indexes. If this value is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables. |
Select full range join | 00 | The number of joins that used a range search on a reference table. |
Select range | 00 | The number of joins that used ranges on the first table. (It's normally not critical even if this is big.) |
Select range check | 00 | The number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row. (If this is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.) |
Select scan | 358.1 k358093 | The number of joins that did a full scan of the first table. |
Slave connections | 00 | |
Slave heartbeat period | 00.000 | |
Slave open temp tables | 00 | The number of temporary tables currently open by the slave SQL thread. |
Slave received heartbeats | 00 | |
Slave retried transactions | 00 | Total (since startup) number of times the replication slave SQL thread has retried transactions. |
Slave running | OFFOFF | This is ON if this server is a slave that is connected to a master. |
Slave skipped errors | 00 | |
Slaves connected | 00 | |
Slaves running | 00 | |
Slow launch threads | 00 | The number of threads that have taken more than slow_launch_time seconds to create. |
Slow queries | 00 | The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds. |
Sort merge passes | 00 | The number of merge passes the sort algorithm has had to do. If this value is large, you should consider increasing the value of the sort_buffer_size system variable. |
Sort priority queue sorts | 522 522 | |
Sort range | 45 45 | The number of sorts that were done with ranges. |
Sort rows | 569.4 k569425 | The number of sorted rows. |
Sort scan | 138.1 k138098 | The number of sorts that were done by scanning the table. |
Ssl accept renegotiates | 00 | |
Ssl accepts | 00 | |
Ssl callback cache hits | 00 | |
Ssl cipher | | |
Ssl cipher list | | |
Ssl client connects | 00 | |
Ssl connect renegotiates | 00 | |
Ssl ctx verify depth | 00 | |
Ssl ctx verify mode | 00 | |
Ssl default timeout | 00 | |
Ssl finished accepts | 00 | |
Ssl finished connects | 00 | |
Ssl server not after | | |
Ssl server not before | | |
Ssl session cache hits | 00 | |
Ssl session cache misses | 00 | |
Ssl session cache mode | NONENONE | |
Ssl session cache overflows | 00 | |
Ssl session cache size | 00 | |
Ssl session cache timeouts | 00 | |
Ssl sessions reused | 00 | |
Ssl used session cache entries | 00 | |
Ssl verify depth | 00 | |
Ssl verify mode | 00 | |
Ssl version | | |
Subquery cache hit | 00 | |
Subquery cache miss | 00 | |
Syncs | 2.5 k2478 | |
Table locks immediate | 480.1 k480067 | The number of times that a table lock was acquired immediately. |
Table locks waited | 00 | The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired immediately and a wait was needed. If this is high, and you have performance problems, you should first optimize your queries, and then either split your table or tables or use replication. |
Tc log max pages used | 00 | |
Tc log page size | 4.1 k4096 | |
Tc log page waits | 00 | |
Threadpool idle threads | 00 | |
Threadpool threads | 00 | |
Threads cached | 00 | The number of threads in the thread cache. The cache hit rate can be calculated as Threads_created/Connections. If this value is red you should raise your thread_cache_size. |
Threads connected | 24 24 | The number of currently open connections. |
Threads created | 10.6 k10551 | The number of threads created to handle connections. If Threads_created is big, you may want to increase the thread_cache_size value. (Normally this doesn't give a notable performance improvement if you have a good thread implementation.) |
Threads running | 7 7 | The number of threads that are not sleeping. |
Update scan | 00 | |
Uptime | 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 19 seconds2119 | |
Uptime since flush status | 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 19 seconds2119 | |
wsrep cluster conf id | 18.4 E18446744073709551615 | |
wsrep cluster size | 00 | |
wsrep cluster state uuid | | |
wsrep cluster status | DisconnectedDisconnected | |
wsrep connected | OFFOFF | |
wsrep local bf aborts | 00 | |
wsrep local index | 18.4 E18446744073709551615 | |
wsrep provider name | | |
wsrep provider vendor | | |
wsrep provider version | | |
wsrep ready | OFFOFF | |
wsrep thread count | 00 | |
Key buffer fraction % | 18.40 %18.39599609375 | Percentage of used key cache (calculated value) |
Key read ratio % | 24.46 %24.458364897151 | Key cache miss calculated as rate of physical reads compared to read requests (calculated value) |
Threads cache hitrate % | 0.02 %0.018951956789536 | Thread cache hit rate (calculated value) |