Press Ctrl+Enter to execute queryPress Enter to execute query
Collapse Expand Requery Edit Explain Profiling Bookmark Query failed Database: hmis Queried time: During current session
SELECT * FROM `clinicalfindings`Your browser will refresh all displayed charts in a regular interval. You may add charts and change the refresh rate under 'Settings', or remove any chart using the cog icon on each respective chart.
To display queries from the logs, select the relevant time span on any chart by holding down the left mouse button and panning over the chart. Once confirmed, this will load a table of grouped queries, there you may click on any occurring SELECT statements to further analyze them.
Please note:
Enabling the general_log may increase the server load by 5-15%. Also be aware that generating statistics from the logs is a load intensive task, so it is advisable to select only a small time span and to disable the general_log and empty its table once monitoring is not required any more.
Selected time range: -
Choose from which log you want the statistics to be generated from.
Results are grouped by query text.